

I’m Nadine, your average 25-year-old disillusioned researcher, aspiring writer and reckless dreamer. This blog is dedicated to writing. I’ll be sharing with you plenty of stories, some of my thoughts and a bit of learnt wisdom in the course of my few years on earth. I’ll be playing with words; mixing, tossing, throwing and rhyming them around to show you there’s magic in this world… Because I believe in fairy tales…

If you’re an avid reader with a taste for the extraordinary, if you’re a dreamer looking for more in life than your day-to-day activities or simply looking for a short intriguing read, this is the place for YOU!

Why would you read my blog out of the million blogs currently on the internet? It might come out as a bit boastful but I deeply believe that my environment and background offer a different flavor to my writings. It’s not everyday that you can read the thoughts of a middle-eastern blogger and researcher on the internet. Perhaps this blog can contribute to changing common stereotypes about the middle-eastern community and give a better idea about what it’s like to be an Egyptian Christian woman (double minority!).

I started writing long before I started using the internet regularly. I loved stories, movies, books, music and pretty much anything that helped me escape the monotonous reality that is routine life. I use writing in pretty much the same way! I write to tell a story that would take you far, that would make you feel, that would make you think… I love fiction because, unlike real life, you can always find meaning in them. I undertook a journey to search for meaning and beauty in this chaotic life; I do so by writing.

I’m hoping that this blog offers you entertaining reads that will transport you and stay with you long after you’re done reading. If I give you reason to reflect then my mission here is done!

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